Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Warrior

Good and bad weekend :( :) I had to work all day Saturday while friends got a free ride around the lake, buuut I got to go to Esther's Follies on Saturday and see Jersey Boys in San Antonio Sunday. Overall the good outweighed the bad, but still. Work on a weekend should be illegal! I can't complain because I get summers off aaand I got paid for working Saturday. It's not like it's a lot, but still. Oh well!

This week should be a breeze (fingers crossed). I have drinks with Caitlin tonight, nothing tomorrow, Steve's game Wednesday, Vanessa grad dinner and Ags vs OSU game Thursday night, then SA this weekend! Mom and I are heading to Fredericksburg on Saturday to meet up with some other Austinites and check out Oktoberfest. I've never been before, so I hope we both like it! Plus I'm excited that my mom will get to meet some of the Austin crew. Alison if you're reading this- she's very sad she isn't meeting you!

Back to work, trying to get a ton done this week so next week is a breeze for ACL! So close :)


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