Ohhhhhmygoooodnesss! February has been from HELL! So glad that it's nearing the end. I have been working non stop getting 7th graders ready for their state testing next week, aaaand I have my identity stolen so any time I DID have during the day was on the phone with my bank- every.single.day. Horrific.
Honestly, I have nothing to report other that never loan your information out to anyone you don't know. I have my debit card in my wallet still, and I never gave it to anyone. Some stupid hacker or rude bartender or customer service person stole my info. I guess there are just always going to be dishonest people out there. It was bound to happen one way or another. Ho-hum. All I know is, don't bank with Compass Bank (now BBVA Compass). I know identify fraud can happen anywhere, but they were so unhelpful, rude, and just...dumb. It happened February 11th, and I still don't have any money. Negative $800 to be exact.
It's only Wednesday, but I am SO ready for the weekend! I have some friends that will be in town, and I am looking forward to just relaxing and cleaning and having a good time! I think I want to see a movie tonight. We'll see how that pans out...
Hope everyone enjoyed National Margarita Day as much as I did!! :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
happy birthday, david!
one of my very closest friend, david guy, turned the big dirty thirty this week! we had a really fun time planning his big day! we ended up renting a karaoke room at high ball- fun times! it was my first time to go, but i definitely want to go again soon! there was a lot of singing, drinking, and even a male genetalia cake (i won't post a picture of that haha) and nooo i was not in charge of the cake!
here are some pictures from the event:
Happy Birthday David!!
here are some pictures from the event:
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party favors! |
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some lovely guests! |
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wooo party! |
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lovely ladies reppin' Annie's pub crawl |
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David and Jeff |
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the birthday boy!!! |
an update on the job front...
my, my, my...it has been an interesting week. we knew the announcement was coming, but it finally came via email friday. it was nice hearing straight from our superintendent, and not from the media. here is the email that all AISD employees received and I highlighted some interesting parts....
February 11, 2011
Dear AISD Colleagues:
Over the past two years, Austin ISD has already cut $27 million from our budget, by eliminating more than 100 Central Office positions and initiating other significant austerity measures. However, this year it has become increasingly clear that AISD will be forced to take many painful steps, in addition to those that we have already implemented, in order to balance our budget over the next two legislative budget cycles. The State of Texas faces a two-year budget deficit of approximately $27 billion, and state funding cuts to public education are projected to be as high as $10 billion over the next two years. As a result, at this time, the District anticipates having to reduce our annual operating costs by a minimum of $94.4 million, which is about 13 percent of the District’s operating budget. We are also facing significant losses of state and federal grants.
Since more than 85 percent of our operating expenses are personnel costs, it is not possible to make these reductions without eliminating staff positions. As we make these difficult decisions, we realize that there are names, faces, and careers behind these positions, and that makes this process gut-wrenching.
But unfortunately, there is no way to balance our budget without such steps. Last night, I notified the Board that, regretfully, the Administration has identified more than 1,000 positions that would be affected by a Reduction in Force. These include 771 campus-based and 246 Central Office positions, for a total of 1,017 positions, out of a total current workforce of nearly 12,000. These reductions will cause an administrative reorganization, which means that there will also be some new, re-tooled positions created, as we reorganize and restructure, for a more cost-effective, leaner model. The Board will consider these Reductions in Force on Monday, February 14, and is scheduled to take action on Monday, February 28. The reorganization is expected to be presented at the end of March.
Our primary goal, as we face this very difficult challenge, remains on providing quality academic instruction with more limited resources. Make no mistake: reductions of this magnitude will have a fundamental effect on public education as we know it today in Austin. But as we restructure, the District will make the most effective use of our more limited resources, and we will continue our efforts to improve student achievement.
In the months ahead, as the budget picture at the state level and the availability of other resources becomes more clear, we will do our very best to minimize the painful effects that this Reduction in Force will undoubtedly create. As we move forward, our Human Resources office pledges to work diligently with each employee whose position is eliminated. These steps include:
I appreciate the professionalism of the entire AISD staff, particularly under such trying times. Thank you for your understanding.
Meria Joel Carstarphen,
So basically, what I am seeing as that even though there are schools up for closure, they are pretending that they aren't. They have planned out which jobs they need to cut, and those principals will talk to those teachers as early as this week. They are hoping that they (for some miracle) won'e have to cut these positions, but more than likely, they will be cut. Even my tiny little school has positions that need to be cut, and we already got an email from our principal confirming that she will be calling people in to talk to them. All teachers will be finishing out the school year of course (which will be difficult to focus I'm sure) but at least they know now so they can start looking for new jobs...whatever that may be. I don't aniticpate them talking to us tomorrow, only because they (the board) have not voted on this to be official yet. Not to mention, Valentine's Day if you're single, and then notice that you are losing your job...talk about a suicide watch....geez).
Scary times ahead. I really have no idea what kind of position I am in, but I'm trying to remain calm, because I know I have a job until July at the very least. Pray for me and all those teachers losing jobs. I pray they keep the right people in their positions so the kids have the best chance of a great education and a future.
I will keep you updated...
February 11, 2011
I am contacting you because tonight the District will post for the public, as an Agenda Item for the Monday, February 14, Board Work Session, the list of positions that the Administration has proposed for elimination as part of a districtwide Reduction in Force.
- Each employee will be assigned a contact person from the Office of Human Resources.
- A representative from Human Resources will meet with each employee impacted by the reduction in force, review the implications for his/her future employment, and deliver an official letter of notification.
- HR will provide employees with information regarding the application and interview procedures.
- The HR web site will be utilized to provide relevant information to employees regarding the reduction in force.
- A list of vacant positions will be generated and distributed to employees. (umm what vacancies?!)
- An external hiring freeze will be implemented in the employment areas impacted by the reduction in force. (there has been a hiring freeze already...)
- HR will facilitate opportunities for employees to interview for vacant positions.
- HR will provide assistance for employees to obtain additional teaching certificates. (which what $$?)
- And, an internal job fair will be held for employees impacted by the reduction in force. (our school goes through this process every year since we are on the brink of closing every year. this is a waste of time because principals are forced to be there, including the schools up for closure, and no one is hiring, and if they are, they are usually within the school already)
So basically, what I am seeing as that even though there are schools up for closure, they are pretending that they aren't. They have planned out which jobs they need to cut, and those principals will talk to those teachers as early as this week. They are hoping that they (for some miracle) won'e have to cut these positions, but more than likely, they will be cut. Even my tiny little school has positions that need to be cut, and we already got an email from our principal confirming that she will be calling people in to talk to them. All teachers will be finishing out the school year of course (which will be difficult to focus I'm sure) but at least they know now so they can start looking for new jobs...whatever that may be. I don't aniticpate them talking to us tomorrow, only because they (the board) have not voted on this to be official yet. Not to mention, Valentine's Day if you're single, and then notice that you are losing your job...talk about a suicide watch....geez).
Scary times ahead. I really have no idea what kind of position I am in, but I'm trying to remain calm, because I know I have a job until July at the very least. Pray for me and all those teachers losing jobs. I pray they keep the right people in their positions so the kids have the best chance of a great education and a future.
I will keep you updated...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Super Bowl!
Ok, let's try this again....Apparently in Internet Explorer, my blog shows up all jacked up, but it's fine on Safari and Mozilla. Hmmm. So, I'll try it in Internet Explorer and see if it works for the others...phew.
Like most Americans, I was glued to the TV for over 4 hours last night watching the end of another season of football. I was actually into the game this year, having friends from Wisconsin, so it was exciting to see who would win. Seems that not too many people wanted the Steelers to win, mostly because of their quarterback. I really liked some of the commercials last night, but there was a clear winner for me for best commercial. Here are my top 5 commercials:
5. CareerBuilder- Parking Lot
I mostly liked this one because it made Steve laugh so hard. And being over at his apartment complex, those tiny parking spaces...ugh. I could relate to this one so well!
4. Love Hurts- PepsiMax
Steve and I are always giving each other a hard time about the food we eat. In a loving way, of course. We try to help each other out, so this was funny to me. Especially how hard the woman threw it at the end!
3. Doritos- The Best Part
This was one of the first commercials I saw that I laughed out loud. You totally didn't see the finger part coming! Ahhh so funny. "Mmmmmcheeeeese"
2. Bridgestone- Reply All
HILARIOUS! I think we have all had that "oh crap" moment when we replied all, or even thought we replied to all. Whether it be a big deal, or not, it's still a scary feeling. I personally liked the coffee spillage part.
1. Volkswagon: The Force
This little boy was adorable. It wasn't the funniest, but definitely the cutest! But still funny. They unveiled who the little boy was on the Today Show this morning. He's a cutie! I just loved his mannerisms in this commercial. Easily numero uno to me!
What about you? Was there a commercial I totally left out? Doritos had one other I liked too, but the one I posted was better, in my opinion :) Time to hit the gym today to work off that queso and Super Bowl party deliciousness!
Like most Americans, I was glued to the TV for over 4 hours last night watching the end of another season of football. I was actually into the game this year, having friends from Wisconsin, so it was exciting to see who would win. Seems that not too many people wanted the Steelers to win, mostly because of their quarterback. I really liked some of the commercials last night, but there was a clear winner for me for best commercial. Here are my top 5 commercials:
5. CareerBuilder- Parking Lot
I mostly liked this one because it made Steve laugh so hard. And being over at his apartment complex, those tiny parking spaces...ugh. I could relate to this one so well!
4. Love Hurts- PepsiMax
Steve and I are always giving each other a hard time about the food we eat. In a loving way, of course. We try to help each other out, so this was funny to me. Especially how hard the woman threw it at the end!
3. Doritos- The Best Part
This was one of the first commercials I saw that I laughed out loud. You totally didn't see the finger part coming! Ahhh so funny. "Mmmmmcheeeeese"
2. Bridgestone- Reply All
HILARIOUS! I think we have all had that "oh crap" moment when we replied all, or even thought we replied to all. Whether it be a big deal, or not, it's still a scary feeling. I personally liked the coffee spillage part.
1. Volkswagon: The Force
This little boy was adorable. It wasn't the funniest, but definitely the cutest! But still funny. They unveiled who the little boy was on the Today Show this morning. He's a cutie! I just loved his mannerisms in this commercial. Easily numero uno to me!
What about you? Was there a commercial I totally left out? Doritos had one other I liked too, but the one I posted was better, in my opinion :) Time to hit the gym today to work off that queso and Super Bowl party deliciousness!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
los libros
Oh, I am jumping on one of my resolutions (a month late)- to read more! I'm doing a devotional study with some girlfriends and this is the book we are reading:
I'm only one chapter in, but so far I really like it. The first chapter was about being more Mary, not Martha when it comes to being a hostess. Instead of running around preparing things (like Martha did for Jesus and the disciples), enjoy your company and don't sweat the details. A lot of times I take things personally when people cancel with things I've helped put together, or get stressed to make sure all the little things are ready, but really I should just relax and sit back and laugh! Enjoy the times I have with the girls, and the moments I get to see Steve. But most of all, when I'm home in SA, to enjoy the time I have with my parents now. Like Mary and Martha, they had no idea that Jesus was going to die, and I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to enjoy time with my parents. I also had a desire to call my Dad after the last episode of How I Met Your Mother. If you watch the show, you know what I mean!
A "fun" book I juuust started reading (barely through the first chapter) is a Jodi Picoult book called House Rules. Jodi is one of my favorite authors, so I'm hoping this is another good one! It's about a boy with autism who has the ability to help solves murders, but then he is framed for one of the murders. Sounds crazy, but leave it to Jodi to make it a great story (and I'm sure a tear jerker!) She has also written books like My Sister's Keeper and Nineteen Minutes!
it is very, very cold here in tejas! things still haven't been decided on the job front, but other things are going great! steven has done an AMAZING job of getting my mind off of things.
friday night we stayed at the brand spankin' new W hotel in downtown austin. snazzy snazzy.
then we dropped by the jewelry store (for my first time ever!) and picked up these gorgeous beauties! i am so in love with them. the earrings are a bit different, but you get the idea! i am so lucky :)
friday night we stayed at the brand spankin' new W hotel in downtown austin. snazzy snazzy.
then we dropped by the jewelry store (for my first time ever!) and picked up these gorgeous beauties! i am so in love with them. the earrings are a bit different, but you get the idea! i am so lucky :)
i have a really big week ahead but some things i am looking forward to:
* the super bowl! love time with friends and good commercials!
* valentine's day! (i am still accepting ideas for presents for steven! something original)
* bunco! love time with my girls.
* relaxing/chill girls' weekend with some of my best friends!
have a blessed week- stay warm and safe! i hope austin gets some snow friday!!!
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