10 years ago: I was turning 11 years old! I was in 5th grade, and pretty much the picture of awkwardness already. glasses, braces, short, skinney. yeah needless to say i hadnt had that first boyfriend yet haha. i just joined The Wave- a year round swim team and quit dance. I was turning 15! I was scared to get my learner's permit because I was scared of cars! I was also going to SACS and being a good little girl :)
5 years ago: Junior year. Just got back from 2 and a half weeks all over europe. i Was VP of my class and we were waist deep into banquet planning. i'm pretty sure i liked jared kiefer. the theme for our jr sr banquet was wild west and i was a can-can girl. yes, i still have the video. jim was my date to jr sr banquet (and now he's engaged- weird!!!) I was 20- ended my first year as a fish camp counselor, and was starting my second with one of my favorite camps- Camp Peebles! What's funny is that in my last post I talked about my date being engaged, and sadly he's married and divorced now. Starting too young goes to show ya...
4 years ago: Senior year of high school. wow....i was skipping 7th period conceptual physics on a daily basis, i dated teal hausman and then started dated john at the end of my senior year. we went to panama city, fl for our senior trip. christian guerra was my date to christmas banquet and daniel oliver was my date to senior. I turned 21! Was a totally lame birthday in College Station. My birthday is after school gets out for the summer, and before summer school starts- so CS was dead. Oh well, I was finally legal!! I was dating Colbey Walker. Barf.
3 years ago: freshman year of college, i was always at home, did NOT go to fish camp. i thought i was in love with john and we spent ever single waking moment together. i was involved in aggie sisters for christ and i was roommates with stephanie williamson and she was a badass. i made ok grades. I was 22- dunk my ring ( 1 min 12 seconds) was a co-chair, and graduated college!!
2 years ago: sophomore year. my life changed. john and i finally broke up. i met garrett and "the boys". garrett and i dated for about 3 months and then i met colbey. colbey immediately became my best friend and totally changed my life. we dated for about 6 months. he insisted i apply for fish camp, so i did and i became a member of session c red, camp pausky. and i met some of the most wonderful people in my life. including chelsea love and ryan mclagan. ok this old post is the weirdest- yes my life changed, but because of Colbey? Please. Fish camp did change my college life, for the good and those two people I met in Pausky are still some of my favorites. But now- two years ago, I was working at Deerpark Middle School, living in Austin and being lonely! I had Tyler, Kit and Steve (kind of) and thaaat's about it. I became really really close with Amy Ducote and the rest if history! :)
1 year ago: still dating colbey, learned a lot about school and myself. lost some friends, realized that my friends from back home werent always going to be there for me. become part of another camp- camp peebles. became a member of the big event. and FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! started to get more and more into my major and became more and more dependent on colbey to make me happy in my life and lost track of my other friends. A year ago, I hit rock bottom of being alone in Austin, started at a brand new school in RRISD (Walsh) and felt was it was like to be micromanaged and belittled on a daily basis. Not so fun! I almost moved to Dallas, but decided to stay because I felt like God was leading me to.
Today: i have lost my best friend, but instead i have gained a complete independence. i still dont understand why humans are so quick to lie and sell out their best friend to get what they want. i have learned the true meaning of frienship and being in love versus thinking you are in love. i have lost some friends this year, but i learned that your true friends are going to be there for you no matter what b/c they know who you are and who you arent. i became good friends with jim cole and i kinda like him
. just taking everyday one step at a time and seeing where God wants me to go. I'm now a proud co-chair, a memeber of the Big EVent committee again, a member of CARPOOL and i start my language arts/history middle school methods in the spring. My brother is now 6 feet (or more) tall and is turning 16 in a week. i grow to love my family more and more every day and i had a phase where i wanted to go into the peace corps. but now i realize that i need to make some money to start paying my parents back so i hope to get a job in the round rock district when i graduate in dec of '06 . wow. that was some therapy. haha Look at that! I got a job in RRISD right after I graduated- I've since moved to AISD, but learned a lot from my 3 year stint in RRISD and made many friends. Today I'm still living in Austin, but I am singing a different tune. I have a great group of friends that I am so glad that I waited for and was patient for. I was for sure that I was never going to find a solid group like I did with my friends in college, but alas, I did. Nothing will ever compare to the crazies (and our first crazies wedding- Mrs. Chelsea Love Clarke was this year!) It's crazy how much changes in 5 years. Maybe I'll find this blog 5 years from now and see how much I'm still continuing to change.
5 snacks that I enjoy:
1) hot tamales hot tamales
2) cheese anything with spinach in it (dip, enchiladas, sandwich, pasta, etc)
3) shrimp queso
4) fruit crispix
5) cereal pita chips and hummus
5 things I would do with a million dollars:
1) pay off all my parents stuff, my stuff, and my brothers future college (same) 2) buy a new house for my parents (same)
3) invest for my future family- my kids' education, and their future (same)
4) get a new car. seriously. (buy a house for me)
5) get new cabins for lakeview? ha i dont know. probably donate to my church back home shopping spree. apparently I've become more selfish over the years....a teacher's gotta look good! ;)
5 places I would run away to:
1) my house in SA same
2) venice, italy i wish venice, lets be real here. Imma say NYC
3) my childhood the boys house
4) san fransisco Los Angeles
5) ...aggieland? i guess after i leave..? A vineyard
5 bad habits:
1) putting off school work - now it's putting off school work at work!
2) holding in what i feel (eh, not so much a problem anymore! ) lack of confidence
3) eating things I shouldn’t same
4) not working out enough same
5) splurging on gifts same!
5 favorite foods
1) mexican
2) seafood
3) italian
4) cornbread caserole and key lime pie (not mixed together though) anything with feta or goat cheese
5) Breakfast food humus!
5 things you would do if you were going to die tomorrow
1) write a letter to my closest friends and family telling them how much they impacted my life and how much they mean to me/how much i love them. good choice elisa
2) pray samesies
3) eat whatever the heeeeeeell i wanted to check
4) spend time with family, friends double check
5) have sex. i mean duh. it's my last day. hell to the yes check :)
5 famous people you would love to meet
1) Jesus
2) Justin Timberlake Michael Phelps
3) Angelina Jolie Jennifer Aniston
4) Jennifer Aniston Zooey Deschanel
5) Adam Brody Justin Timberlake
5 favorite bands
1) Kelly Clarkson- iknow she's not a band but i looove her Taylor Swift
2) Death Cab for Cutie Zac Brown Band
3) Dave Matthews Band same
4) The Format Mates of State
5) Dashboard Confessional John Mayer
5 boyfriends/girlfriends
( i hope this is not like ranking them, i just put them in most recent and down)
1)we are dating...but jim :) Steven
2) colbey Jeff
3) garrett Tyler
4) john Jim
5) teal Colbey
5 favorite places to go
1) home same
2)kyle field same
3) italy town lake
4) roadtrips same
5) the lake boys' house
5 most annoying things ever
1) ignorance,racism, sexism
2) liars, and cheaters
3) losing your cell phone
4) getting up and going to class being sleepy
5) when people coast in the passing lane, those who dont use their blinker and those who pull out in front ofyou to go 5 mph. sometimes i really hate driving.
Guess there are some big changes, and some not so big changes!